LRA Leadership Training in July

Hosted by the Louisiana Reading Association

Leadership Training Workshop, July 15-17, 2005
Sheraton Baton Rouge Convention Center Hotel,
103 France St. Baton Rouge, Louisiana
$70.00 + tax and occupancy fee for single or double.(Specify LRA member)
Hotel = 1-225-242-2613. Deadline is on or before Thursday, July 1, 2004.

July 16=Executive Meeting
July 17=Leadership Training-dress comfortably and appropriately for easy movement and activity.
        The purpose of the LRA Leadership Training Workshop is to help leaders and members as they embark on their new responsibilities of bringing information concernign reading and literacy to the members of our state. The workshop will provide information and training to help you understand the role you play as an officer, committee chairperson or member. You will leave understanding your new responsibilities and where to go when you need help in your new position.
July 17=Professional Development Meeting

*More information: State Coordinator, Frances Troxler 225-869-5375 ext. 246

Meal tickets reservations by July 1, 2005:
***If you are a Northeast Louisiana Reading Council member and plan to attend any of these events, please contact Kathy O'Neal 318-428-8953 or mrsoneal@yahoo.com to make reservations in advance for all meal functions. Meal functions are for invited/registered LRA Leaders and members only. (If you need additional Awards Banquet Tickets, the cost is $36.00 per guest.)

Last Updated 4/17/09 11:09 pm by Site Administrator

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