Researched-Based Programs

Scribed by Kathy O'Neal

For a copy of a free publication from Accelerated Reader, "How Scientific Research Supports the School Renaissance School Improvement Process" call 1-800-338-4204.

The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8, 2002. It is the most sweeping reform of federal education polidy in a generation. The goal of the act is to close the achievement gap between disadvanged and minority students and their peers. The act states that all reading instructional programs must be grounded in scientifically based research to meet major federal fundding programs' definition of scientific, research-based programs in several ways:
*Grounded in theory
*Evaluated by third parties
*Published i peer-reviewed journals
*Replicable in schools with diverse settings
*Able to demonstrate evidence of effectiveness

Last Updated 4/17/09 11:09 pm by Site Administrator

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